Simultaneous multiple sales Bill entry on a single computer.
Purchase: Order, Purchase Receipt and Purchase Returns, Supplier
Quotation Details.
During Purchase Order/ Purchase Entry: Previous Purchase Rate for the
product and party (S) for the period, other quotation received for the
product. Lowest supplied/Quoted rate and supplier info.
Purchase Report: Bill/Day/Month/Doctor/Salesman/Company/Category/Product
Wise detailed and
Payable Reports: Bill wise, Party wise, Area Wise, Aging, Salesman wise,
Town wise, Overdue Bills, Reminders.
Drill Down Reports: Purchase from Month/Series, Day Bill up to Bill
Product, Bill, Customer, Company wise Profit Calculation and analysis
Graphical Periodic/Monthly/Yearly Purchase on sales Reports.
Product Wise Last old on Report with Month Flag.
Mailing List, Telephone Directory and Label Printing Purchase order
Month Wise Cross tabulation Reports.
Purchase value calculation including disc. & Taxes.
Doctor, Company and Product wise Sales Report.
Party wise Purchase Profit and Analysis Report.
Multiple Series for Purchase and Sales.
Purchase Module takes cares all purchase functions
including invoicing, maintaining ledger and producing various purchase
reports. It keeps detailed information of all the cash / credit purchase
invoices, supplier return memos etc.. The whole process of Ledger updating
is fully automated. The purchase module keeps track of outstanding invoices.
The purchase module has capability to group all purchases in one of the
category: purchase in the sate or purchase out of state. The module also
includes purchase price difference memo, Expiry / Breakages Return Memo
(returned to supplier) and supplier debit / credit notes. The clearing and
forwarding which is essentially a stock transfer is also handled separately
by the purchase module.