- Receipt, Payment entries against Invoice, Purchases, On Account and
age wise Auto adjustment in respective bills.
- Account Ledger: for the period for
whole financial year or for the period for selected party based on Town,
Area, State, Salesman etc.
- Day Book: Day book with separate/combined columns
for Cash and credit Transaction with complete details of the transaction
for the day.
- Company/Supplier wise Claims entries for Rate difference, expiry,
shortage, access and breakage etc.
- Opening Balance with Bill wise outstanding details for current
financial year.
- Bank and Party A/c Reconciliation entry and report
- Automatic Interest Calculations for Db, Cr, both balances
- Trading Account, P&L Account for the period, Trial Balance Sheet and
Balance Sheet as on any date.
- Balance Sheet Tree View based on the user defined groups, sub-groups
and their totals.